Last name: BÜTTNER
Relationship status: Single
Occupation: Personal assistant
Hobbies: Dance (twirling), travel, movies

When I came back from Santa Barbara, I had a hard time getting used to normal life in Germany. After two months of getting back to normal, I found a job in a temporary agency. Through this company I found a job within American Express Int. Inc. where I worked ever since. Unfortunately I lost my job (re-organization) at the end of last year. Right now I again work for a temporary agency and I hope I will get soon a permanent job again.

What have I done the last 10 years? Nothing specific. I worked and enjoyed my life with my friends and family. I traveled several times to the States but unfortunately never made it to Santa Barbara again. I have been in Salt Lake City, Utah due to the fact that I have a friend living there. I have been to Las Vegas and Los Angeles and the Grand Canyon, which is an amazing place.

Last year I won a trip to Moscow to do the "weight lighting flight" (which the astronauts are doing). I can tell you it was quite a big thing. It was an experience but I would not do it again. Unfortunately I did not see a lot of Moscow but what I saw was nice.

I'm looking forward to seeing everybody next year in Santa Barbara. Even when I was not involved in a lot of things, it was still a great time and I enjoyed it.

Happy 40th Birthday!

Vacationing in Rome, 2005